Classes - P4A
Welcome to our P4A
Teacher: Mrs E Adair
we painted fantastic animal prints for our display for our current topic 'Going Wild!'
We recognised how some prints are camouflaged to help animals blend into their habitats to keep them safe from predators, whilst others actually want to be seen!

World Book Day
We had a great World Book Day and book week! P7 pupils also visited our class to read stories to us which was lovely.

Recent Numeracy Activities
Here’s some recent numeracy activities we have been doing in P3B, including measuring in the snow, learning about place value in 3-digit numbers, working with money and approximation!

We have been learning all about place value with numbers up to 100, shape and position and direction. Within 20 we have been using different methods to help us add and subtract, using various concrete manipulatives to help our understanding of the processes involved.

Outdoor learning
Recently we have been representing and comparing numbers outdoors by using natural resources to make number lines, partition numbers and form numbers. We've also been on sound hunts, using recently taught sounds to find corresponding objects outside!